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Notation: SY08-09
Track: Symposium
Topic: Biointerfaces, Biofilms and Nanobiophysics
Title: Lipid nanotubes from freestanding lipid membranes
Author/s: A. Dols-Perez, V. Marin, R. Kieffer, M. Aubin-Tam,
Notation: SY08-10
Track: Symposium
Topic: Biointerfaces, Biofilms and Nanobiophysics
Title: Liquid Microjets in XFELs: Last Train to Molecular Heaven
Author/s: A. Gañán-Calvo,
Notation: SY09-01
Track: Symposium
Topic: Workshop on New and Notable Biophysics
Title: Functional connectivity between neuronal partners according to cortical brain states
Author/s: P. García-Junco Clemente, T. Ikrar, E. Tring, X. Xu, D. Ringach, J. Trachtenberg,
Notation: SY09-02
Track: Symposium
Topic: Workshop on New and Notable Biophysics
Title: Live-cell structural biology: towards the mechanics of exocytosis
Author/s: O. Gallego,
Notation: SY09-03
Track: Symposium
Topic: Workshop on New and Notable Biophysics
Title: Cargo selection by the retromer coat complex: A mechanism for recycling transmembrane proteins from endosomes.
Author/s: A. Hierro,
Notation: SY09-04
Track: Symposium
Topic: Workshop on New and Notable Biophysics
Title: Experimental measurement of binding energy, selectivity and allostery using fluctuation theorems
Author/s: A. Alemany, J. Camunas, F. Ritort,
Results: 171