- Bursary Application
19 February 2017 - Early Registration
26 March 2017 - Abstract Submission
15 April 2017 - Late Registration
6 June 2017
Welcome Address
Dear Colleague,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is a great honor to invite you to attend the 16th Congress of the Spanish Biophysical Society (SBE), which will be held at cicCartuja on 6-8 June 2017.
The scientific program is comprised of Plenary Lectures, together with Parallel Symposia focused on the most challenging topics in Biophysics. Symposia will include not only invited talks addressed by well-recognized scientists but also short communications selected from submitted abstracts. In this regard, an effort to give preference to young researchers will be made.
The program leaves enough time for fruitful and lively discussions, especially during Poster Sessions. The singularity of the 16th Congress of SBE is the activity Biophysics in the City, which aims to bring Biophysics closer to society.
As per usual reduced registration fees will be charged to participants who are SBE members. Moreover, a number of grants funded by SBE to encourage young researchers’ participation are available.
We will endeavor for the 16th Congress of SBE network meeting to have a high rate of participation, since throughout the years our Congress became the perfect forum for scientists doing research in Biophysics.
Looking forward to welcoming you to Seville.
Best regards,
Irene Díaz-Moreno, Chair of the Organizing Committee